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Home Office Interior Design

تصميم داخلي للمكاتب المنزلية home office interior design

Home Office Interior Design :

These days a lot of people tend to take their work home, while others actually work out of their home office and do self-employment, that’s why we at Grundstein Interior Design & Decoration offer you some ideas and models that guarantee you absolute comfort and optimum productivity. The designers at Grundstein Interior Design and Decoration confirm that there are deliberate and complex steps when searching for an interior design for home offices, because of its positive impact in the speed of completion and practical production, and is recommended by leading interior designers and psychologists.

Important Instructions:

  • The office is designed according to the nature of the work inside it. It is known that the equipment of this room, if it is occupied by an engineer, is different from that of a doctor, or a journalist…
    It is preferable that this room be located in a suitable place in the house, and it is preferable that it be adjacent to the reception section, especially if the nature of the activity in it calls for the presence of strangers. If the area of ​​the house is spacious, one of its rooms can be chosen to host the office, provided that it is close to the main entrance.
  • If the nature of the work is private, then there is no objection to replacing the corner of the office in the bedroom.
  • The office furniture should be in harmony with the style prevailing in the house, especially if it is located in a room that has another function. As for its characteristics, it is preferred to be characterized by comfort and practicality.
  • Lighting has a major role in this room, and it is desirable that it be dense. It can be used at night as well as during the day for the safety of vision. Focused lighting must not be absent to be used when needed.
  • White, blue, yellow and red are suitable colors for office furniture and “accessories”.
  • The most prominent factor, when designing this room, is the blocking of electrical wires for what it requires
    Office of extensions.
  • Storage has an important function in this room, and therefore the places designated for this purpose must be plentiful, whether they are open or closed.
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