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Kid’s room design

Kid’s room design:

Most parents will agree with us on the importance of designing children’s rooms. Through the designs provided by Grundstein Interior Design and Decoration, children can grow, create, play and learn easily, for children, the bedroom is not only a place to sleep but a space to play, study, host friends, and personal space To keep all of their belongings, the designers at Grundstein Interior Design & Decor say the room should reflect the child’s distinct personality.

Important tips:

  • When designing any children’s bedroom, the child’s needs must be known first, so that the room is comfortable for the child and the place in which he grows up and grows. The bedroom is very much associated with childhood memories, so it must be designed with the best modern designs.
  • When choosing the orange color, it is preferable to have it with white or green with orange and yellow, and the blue color is compatible with white and yellow.
  • It is preferable to use a bed with drawers to be easy and contain all the important things for the child, and in cases of narrow rooms, a bunk bed can be used if the room is for two children, which greatly saves space.
  • In the case of girls’ bedrooms, drawings suitable for girls can be placed, such as Disney or flowers and other forms of girls’ liking.
  • The children’s bedroom should have a play area, even if it is a small space for the child to play and enjoy.
  • Some people make a place for studying inside the bedrooms, especially if the room is spacious and consists of a small desk and chair, but others do not prefer to have the study in the bedroom or prefer the study room to be separate.
  • The room must have natural light or lamps with natural light, and the room must have safe windows for the child so that the wall is high so that the child does not look or fall from it, and it is possible to use attractive chandeliers that are in the form of children’s toys.
  • In the design of bedroom furniture, the furniture must be smooth edges, safe for children, and without protruding edges that may hurt the child when he falls on it.
  • It is not recommended to use a bunk bed in spacious bedrooms for children, but it is preferable to use two opposite beds that have a beautiful appearance.
  • It is important to put lampshades next to the child’s bed so that he is not afraid of sleeping in the room, and it is preferable that the floor is made of parquet, not ceramic, which causes children to slip and fracture.
  • One of the favorite colors in children’s rooms is milky, pink, blue, green and orange. It is preferable to use lacquer because it is easy to clean, as children’s rooms get dirty quickly, children may write on the walls and others.
  • It is preferable to have white lighting and to have two primary and secondary lamps in the room to turn on the dim lighting, and some people use lamps that look like balloons, and the bedding must be of an appropriate color with the color of the bed and with the color of the wall, in addition to using carpets suitable for children and that it is soft and soft to the touch so as not to The child is injured when he falls on it.
  • The color of the carpet should also be suitable for the color of the wall and the color of the furniture. It is preferable that the children’s bedroom has a wooden door and is not equipped with glass. Fiber can be used to design the doors instead of the glass that may be broken when the door hits the wall.
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